HOCUS POCUS CHAMPION DE FRANCE .... !!! La Consécration...
Actualité publié le 18/03/2014
Fils de Multi - CH. / Inter. CH. Eugénia-Katya Des Comtes de Ferrette
et Multi-CH. WINSOME'S Gold Standard aka "BRIGGS"
est maintenant CHAMPION DE FRANCE !!!
samedi Mars, 15-2014
honorable juge: M. Norman DESHUMEYER (Bel.)
152 CARLINS inscrits
Ont remporté la très importante Classe OUVERTE (21 mâles engagés)
et ont gagné le CAC (25 mâles carlins: Intermédiaire et Open Class)
Hocus Pocus a remporté le MEILLEUR MÂLE BEIGE
... A LA SPECIALE DE RACE et Internationale
dimanche 16 Mars - 2014
honorable juge: Mme Evelyne DESQUARTIERS-DIACQUENOD (Fr.)
Justin et Hocus Pocus ont remporté la classe ouverte (12 mâles en classe ouverte)
et on gagné CAC et Res. CACIB ainsi que le MEILLEUR MÂLE BEIGE
Hocus Pocus devient CHAMPION de FRANCE ....!!
Je suis très fier et reconnaissante de notre ami Justin
et de notre merveilleux Hocus Pocus ...
Justin & HP
Magnifique et très long chemin vous attend ... MAINTENANT!
We are especially proud of this Title FRENCH CHAMPION
because it is one of the most difficult to obtain Titles !!!
Hocus Pocus is born to us, from our selection, our choices.
Hocus Pocus always shown its many qualities,
from the age of 9 months he won the most prestigious Podiums
and Victories !!!
Despite of the bad reviews and preferences for his brother,
we never doubted him and continue to say it is the BEST,
it's a pug in his whole being...
... A little impetuous, an extreme kindness, Precious and so endearing
but very wacky and little CRAZY sometimes ...!
It will celebrate its second anniversary in a few weeks,
then it does not surprise us !!!
Huge thank you to his "Dad Heart" Justin Carroll
and all those who knew and know how to appreciate
and recognize in him the blood of CHAMPION flowing in his veins.
Fils de Multi - CH. / Inter. CH. Eugénia-Katya Des Comtes de Ferrette
et Multi-CH. WINSOME'S Gold Standard aka "BRIGGS"
est maintenant CHAMPION DE FRANCE !!!
samedi Mars, 15-2014
honorable juge: M. Norman DESHUMEYER (Bel.)
152 CARLINS inscrits
Ont remporté la très importante Classe OUVERTE (21 mâles engagés)
et ont gagné le CAC (25 mâles carlins: Intermédiaire et Open Class)
Hocus Pocus a remporté le MEILLEUR MÂLE BEIGE
... A LA SPECIALE DE RACE et Internationale
dimanche 16 Mars - 2014
honorable juge: Mme Evelyne DESQUARTIERS-DIACQUENOD (Fr.)
Justin et Hocus Pocus ont remporté la classe ouverte (12 mâles en classe ouverte)
et on gagné CAC et Res. CACIB ainsi que le MEILLEUR MÂLE BEIGE
Hocus Pocus devient CHAMPION de FRANCE ....!!
Je suis très fier et reconnaissante de notre ami Justin
et de notre merveilleux Hocus Pocus ...
Justin & HP
Magnifique et très long chemin vous attend ... MAINTENANT!
We are especially proud of this Title FRENCH CHAMPION
because it is one of the most difficult to obtain Titles !!!
Hocus Pocus is born to us, from our selection, our choices.
Hocus Pocus always shown its many qualities,
from the age of 9 months he won the most prestigious Podiums
and Victories !!!
Despite of the bad reviews and preferences for his brother,
we never doubted him and continue to say it is the BEST,
it's a pug in his whole being...
... A little impetuous, an extreme kindness, Precious and so endearing
but very wacky and little CRAZY sometimes ...!
It will celebrate its second anniversary in a few weeks,
then it does not surprise us !!!
Huge thank you to his "Dad Heart" Justin Carroll
and all those who knew and know how to appreciate
and recognize in him the blood of CHAMPION flowing in his veins.